How has Pandemic Affected our Faith

  • August 3, 2021

Many people have been unable to go to the Mosque, simply because they are not allowed.  We have just experienced another different Eid, where although there was Eid prayers in congregation, but the usual meeting and hugging people, visiting people etc., was still restricted and missing in many cases.

As a community, we have tried to hold Online classes and meetings to help our members to continue meeting one another, although online, and continue to increase their knowledge and faith.  We understand it has had an impact; it is not the same as before.  But we need to continue to make efforts to increase our faith and strive to be good Muslims.

My main concern is with the youth and what effect it has had on them. Whilst Alhamdulillah, all praise belongs to Allah, the young children have been regularly attending the classes, whether locally, regionally or nationally, it is the young men and women that is more of a concern.

They are at an age where going out and socialising is very important, but instead they have had to stay at home and that could have resulted in them becoming lethargic and lazy.  Maybe to ease the boredom they became a couch potato, constantly stuck in front of the TV or turned to gaming etc and it could easily have affected their mental health.  But now to get back out and into the swing of things, may prove difficult, they may find themselves in a rut.  You see it happen when a person loses their job and after many rejections, find themselves not really wanting to try any more. But it is important to be active, try to attend classes and meetings and getting involved as much as possible.  The Holy Qur’an informs us of different types of believers, it states in Chapter 4, verses 96-97:

“Those of the believers who sit still, excepting the disabled ones, and those who strive in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their persons, are not equal.  Allah has exalted in rank those who strive with their wealth and their persons above those who sit still.  And to each Allah has promised good.  And Allah has exalted those who strive above those who sit still, by a great reward, namely, by degrees of excellence bestowed by Him, and by special forgiveness and mercy.  And Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever Merciful.”

Allah has made it very clear in these verses of the Holy Qur’an that there are different grades of a believer.  It talks about two classes of believers

1) Those who sincerely accept Islam and try to live up to its teachings, but take no part in the struggle to defend and propagate the faith

2) Those who not only live up to the teachings of Islam but also vigorously participate in the work of its propagation.  These are active believers – the strivers or Mujahids as they are called.  It also mentioned another type

3) those who want to strive, but are disabled, prevented from doing so.  It makes it very clear that all are Muslims, all will get a reward from Allah, but those who strive to be better Muslims will get a greater reward.

We need to think, whether we want to be a Mujahid – one who strives or one who sits at home?  Allah will reward you for being a believer, but He wants to see you active in your faith, striving to develop your relationship with Him and helping others so that everyone can receive the full benefits of being an active believer.

As a Mujahid – a believer who strives, we have a responsibility, a duty.  We must strive to develop our relationship with God, which means be regular in our prayers, be ready to make sacrifices of our time and money and be ready to keep striving in the way of God to win His blessings.

Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings be with him, has said:

“A strong believer is better and more loved by Allah than a weak one.  Out of all the good things desire that which is most beneficial for you.  Keep imploring Allah for help and do not give up.  Should you be afflicted in any way, do not say: ‘had I only done this and that, things would have turned out so and so’; but say only; ‘Allah so determined and did as He willed’.  The phrase: ‘Had I only’ opens the gates of evil conduct”

It is easy to stay at home, not get involved, but is it really benefiting you? You need to be active and involved with the Community and society, that is for your betterment and helping you achieve your goal of winning the Pleasure of Allah and His Nearness, which will help you in the next life.

It is easy to spend your time watching T.V., playing games etc. but if you lose your link with the community of believers, then it is easy to get lost to the world and that may greatly affect your faith and link with God.

We must keep striving to develop our relationship with God.

Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah, has said:

“Whoso believed in Allah and in His Prophet and established Prayer and observed the fast in Ramadhan, Allah promises to admit them into Paradise whether he strive for His cause or sit in the garden house where he was born”

They (the companions) said:  “Should we then communicate these pleasant tidings to the people, O Prophet of Allah?”   The Prophet answered them:

“There are 100 grades in Paradise prepared by Allah for those who strive in the cause of Allah, and, in between each, is as great a distance as is between earth and heaven.  So when you beg of Allah, beg of Him the Firdaus: for, it is the most central Paradise and the highest one and aloft of it is the celestial seat of the Gracious God and there from spring the streams of paradise.”  (Bukhari)

It is a lovely hadith and full of meaning.  It shows that there are many grades of believers, and they will be in the 100 grades in Paradise.  So, by just believing and sitting at home, you can attain a low grade, but Alhamdulillah you will be in Paradise, because Allah has rewarded your belief in Him and in His Prophet.

Allah has rewarded the efforts made for Salat (prayers) and that you have fasted. Hajj and Zakaat are not mentioned here as it is only obligatory on those who can afford it, but again, if a person sits at home, but makes sacrifices of money, then he will get a reward.  If that person makes effort to go for Hajj, then again there will be a reward.  Therefore, the reward for the believer is never lost.

Whenever we do anything, there will be a result of that action – cause and effect, but when you do the same action and you do it for Allah’s sake, then you will get the reward in this life – cause and effect but you will also get the reward in the next life – as you did it for Allah’s Sake.

But the question you should ask yourself is, are you just content in attaining Paradise or do you want to strive for more nearness to Allah and a higher grade?  It is like being at a gathering and then sitting outside or wandering around chatting to people.  You can say that you were at the gathering, and you will get the reward for being there, but what did you gain?  You could have talked to your friends at home.

If you do not listen to the speeches and get involved in the gathering, then you have missed the rewards associated with that and you could have been anywhere. So, whenever we have an opportunity, we should strive to win the reward of Allah and in this way get closer to Allah.

This is why the hadith I have just mentioned states that whilst there are 100 grades.  You should aim for the Firdaus – the highest grade.  That is the same with anything in life – we should always aim for the Firdaus.  We should never settle with just passing an exam, or just getting through a job, but always strive are utmost to do the best we possibly can.

This is why the verse of the Holy Qur’an that I mentioned encourages us to strive with wealth/persons.  In this way you can also benefit others.  If you strive with your person, then you are willing to serve and sacrifice your time.  In the service of your faith, Allah will be very pleased and reward you greatly.  Likewise, if you strive with your wealth, then you are contributing to a great service of Islam, through which your wealth can help build Mosques, print books and help others etc.  So once again you will be greatly rewarded.

The Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has said:

‘A believer who associates freely with the people and undergoes troubles patiently is better than a believer who neither associates freely with people nor undergoes troubles patiently’

These hadith show the importance of striving by our example – through wealth/person and being steadfast and putting your full reliance on Allah.  Therefore, we are told to go and strive in the way of Allah – be an active believer. If we do, then will we be a part of a strong community of believers, ready to strive of the sake of Allah and help mankind.

The Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has said:

‘Believers are like one body. If its eye is in trouble, the whole (body), feels pain; and if its head is in trouble, the whole (body) is in trouble.’

Through being active and attending functions then through our example, others will benefit, and we can develop a good society.  So, it becomes our duty to not only practise the teachings but also be active believer and help those around us.  The Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has said:

‘I swear by Him in Whose hand is my life (that) no one can be regarded a true believer unless he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.’

To attain this goal, it is important that you actively strive to win Allah’s pleasure and not be just content to stay at home.  Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi has said:

‘God desires to found a community of the faithful to manifest His Glory and Power.  He will make the Community grow and prosper, to establish the Love of God, righteousness, purity, peace and goodwill among them.  This shall be a group of persons devoted to God.  He shall strengthen them with His own spirit, and bless them and purify them” 

We should always strive in the cause of Allah with our wealth and time, and then Allah will exalt you in rank and grant you a great reward.  Always strive to be active in whatever you are doing, and your good example will rub off on others and help them to also strive and be active.  But of course, still keep taking precautions and stay safe.