To facilitate your study, Islamic teachings may be grouped into four modules. We will cover these four modules in Stage One. You can enter any part by clicking on any of the section below.
Set of Beliefs – Six Articles of Eeman (Faith): This part deals with the details of Eeman (Faith), which are the foundations of Islam.
Acts of Worship – Five Pillars of Islam: These describe the details of Huqooqullah, i.e. our duties towards Allah, and Huqooqul – ‘ibaad, i.e. our duties towards our fellow persons, which are called the pillars of Islam.
Rules of Conduct – Social and Moral Values: It explains the details of Huqooqul – ‘ibaad, i.e. our duties towards our fellow persons, which are essential to improve human relationships.
Purpose of Life – Achieving Nearness to Allah: This part describes the ultimate goal of our life as appointed by Allah, our Creator. To achieve this goal, we must win the pleasure of Allah, by closely following the instructions grouped under the first three parts.