There are certain manners and etiquettes that a Muslim follows when conducting his/her affairs in the society. Following are some examples:
When two Muslims meet, they greet each other by saying “Assalamo Alaikum” meaning “peace be upon you”, and “Wa alaikum us-salam” and “upon you be peace”.
When Muslims undertake any activity, they always start it with the name of God, saying “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” meaning “In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the ever Merciful”.
When Muslims terminate an activity, such as the eating of one’s meal, they say “Alhamdulillah” meaning “All perfect praise belongs to Allah”. This phrase is said on many other occasions when expressing gratitude to God.
When a Muslim talks about carrying out some activity in the future, he always adds the phrase “Insha’Allah” meaning “If Allah wills”.
When a Muslim receives a favour or a gift he thanks the person by saying “Jazak’Allah Khayrun or Jazakumullah” meaning “may Allah give you the best reward”.
When a Muslim hears sad news, particularly of someone passing away, he says “Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi Rajioon” meaning “we belong to Allah, and unto Him shall we return”.
When a person sneezes, he says “Alhamdulillah” meaning “All perfect praise belongs to Allah”; the other person who hears him sneeze, says “Yar hamo kumullah” meaning “may Allah have mercy on you”; to which the previous person replies “Yahdeekomullah” meaning “may Allah guide you”.
When a Muslim wants to enter another’s home, he first greets the dwellers and then asks for permission to enter. It is prohibited to enter someone’s home without his permission or knowledge. You should knock/ring up to three times to seek permission to enter, if there is still no response after the third time, then you should turn away, even if you know someone might be in (they may not be able or do not wish to meet you).
A Muslim does not talk evil against somebody particularly behind his back. This act of backbiting is not only impolite, but also cowardly. If a genuine complaint exists against someone, it should first of all be brought to that person’s own attention.